Tuesday, September 18, 2007

The oh so subtle sounds of the night

Nights are the time that I have to myself to unwind and relax. Bryan is at work, the kids are in bed and I can pretty much do what I want....well as long as I don't leave the house. I think that would just open a whole other set of problems.

After starting laundry, cleaning the kitchen and getting things ready for the next day, I grab the computer and catch up on the days happenings. On nights....like tonight I sit here in quiet. Oh but wait, what is that noise. I hear the subtle creak of a door, Chris has emerged. You see over the past few weeks Chris has perfected the art of finding EVERY possible stall tactic to go to bed. He is great at bedtime. We read books, say prayers, he MUST go check on Dani and then it is to bed he goes. Generally around 10 -15 minutes I can count on hearing the creak of the door. The fun part is trying to guess what he might be getting up to do. There are a variety of reasons

going potty
washing his hands
brushing his teeth....again
putting his stuffed bear on the chair out side his room
taking off his PJ's
going potty again
washing hands ( this happens at least twice a night.)
rearranging his bathroom drawer

That leads me to the next night time ritual of Chris's. One night this week when he got up I walked upstairs to see what the excuse was this time. I found Chris in the bathroom and told he me "my drawer was messy so I fixed it" I think we may have some early onset OCD from this little guy. I will have to take a picture of the drawer for you, I was laughing so hard when I saw it.

So I sit here in peace, listening to the creaking of doors, flushing of toilets, the rushing water in the bathroom and the pitter patter of the little feet upstairs.

I love my quiet nights.


Anonymous said...

Great entry Alison!

TDM Wendy said...

I NEED to see the drawer photo.

. said...

the picture is on there now Wendy, check it out!