Thursday, October 11, 2007

Sneak Peak of Halloween this year....

Batman.....with built in muscles
Minnie Mouse

Just thought I would give everyone a little sneak peak of Halloween this year in the Francis household. I am actually very excited about this years costumes. I was so proud of myself for Dani's costume.....this was my first eBay purchase. I know, I know I am way behind the times. But it has taken me a while. Between Heather telling me about all the great deals she gets on there and Joanna constantly finding the great deals on Seven jeans....I figured I could try and buy a Minnie Mouse costume. I was successful, and secretly very proud of myself at the same time.

Now Chris' costume was a different story. This year was the first year we really let him have a say in what he was. I am starting to second guess myself on this one and wonder why we actually did this. We went to look at costumes tonight after a few weeks of going back and forth on what he wanted to be. Before Chris was a wall of colorful pictures with endless options of what he can be on Halloween. He seemed to be set on a super hero....what that means is up for grabs. After Bryan and I trying to steer him towards our preference he landed on Power Ranger. Seriously, a Power Ranger. Does he know what this was? The nice thing was the costume had missing parts. Back to the drawing board we went. The next option was Superman, this we were a little more comfortable with. Unfortunetley this was strike 2, they did not have his size. Okay, third times a charm right? It was, Chris will be Batman this year. Let's just hope that he will actually wear the hood.

Stay tuned for pictures of our little cuties in the costumes.


Unknown said...

Wow...first ebay purchase?? I expected more from you Alison!! ;-) I love that site, Meg and I use it quite a bit. Hopefully you will keep having good experiences though.

TDM Wendy said...

I got Elijah's costume on ebay. Captain Jack Sparrow.

jopperman said...

Chris and Ethan will match. E picked out the same costume. Cool!

Danaly said...

Can't wait to see the kids in those costumes! Will be checking for pics in the next few weeks!