I had my "good mom" hat on today and surprised the kids after work and decided to take them to Superfrank's. They had a great rainy day special and we had no other plans, so we met friends there for lunch. But the trick now was getting there.
It has been raining here for 2 days now. Not the bearable put your windshield wipers on low type rain; more like the no matter what you do or wear you are wet rain. If anyone was watching me make the trek from my car to Superfranks they got quite the show. How on earth are you suppose to get a stroller out of the car and unfold it, get your 4 year out and convince him to keep his hood on and not hit every car with the umbrella and the hardest get a 19month old into the now soaking wet stroller. I thought I had a plan: get out of the car with the umbrella, get the stroller and hold the umbrella over it while I put Dani in....then when we are ready I get Chris out of hte car with his umbrella and we run into Superfrank's. It is a great plan, but only if it is a slight drizzle and zero wind.
Reality went more like this....me getting out of the car and opening the umbrella which quickly whipped back and snap due to the 30mph winds. Then I went for the stroller and struggled to get it out of the car while sheets of rain dumped onto it. Chris had jumped out of the car at this point without the hood and our second umbrella. He opened it and lasted about two seconds longer then mine did. So now as we headed into Superfrank's I had two broken umbrellas, two wet kids (slightly protected from rain coats), a drenched stroller and me......yeah I left my coat at home.
So I ask for those of you with kids that live in areas where rain is a normal thing. How the heck are you and the kids suppose to stay dry!
Next time forget the stroller, grab the 18 month old, and make a mad dash inside all the while yelling to the 3 year old "c'mon, let's go, fast, fast, fast!!!!"
I'm just staying homebound during these rains. Yuck.
~Amy Taylor
I'm thinking the same thing as Amy... why the stroller? :) You are a brave Mama, we just stayed in but Lucy was climbing walls. Can't wait for some sunshine!
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