Thursday, August 30, 2007

Questions of the Altamont

I try and find joy in the little things that I do in my day. Having my witty four-year old around with his little insights on life help. A few times a week when I am driving to work I have the kids with me. Depending on traffic it takes me about 30-40 minutes to get to work. These minutes are filled with some interesting conversations, or whatever it is you call the back and four between a 4 and 1 year old. Chris is big into questions these days. He is a sponge for knowledge, not all useful, but none the less he is a sponge. Here are a few of the fun questions I get during my Altamont drive.....some he answers him self. LOVE IT!

Why is there traffic, are they all going to work?
Why are there gas trucks and loader trucks?
What are they building? (we drive thru construction everyday)
Why are there 2 scrapers and not a bulldozer? (makes me proud he knows the difference)
Do all car have hot pipes? (his word for exhaust pipes)
Is our car fast?
Did that break? ( this he said today after my rear view mirror fell off while driving)
Are there alligators in that truck? (there was a pic on one on a semi)
Do all the Costco trucks go to the Church Costco?
Can you eat the french fries on the McDonald's truck?
Are we taking the church freeway? (we drive 580 so much this is what he calls it)
Why are some fans on and some are off? (I would like to know the answer too)

Some people enjoy a little commute to hacve time to get ready for the day, unwind or just listen to music and relax. Me, I have to gear up for a drive full of Altamont Questions. But it keep some on my toes to have to find the answers. LOVE IT!

1 comment:

Danaly said...

Omigosh! I just noticed you have another little Lucy in your life amongst the links on your blog... it makes me a little sad :( but I think I'll live. I can't wait 'til my Lucy is asking questions like Chris... so cool to converse with the kiddos, they come up with the neatest stuff.