Tuesday, September 4, 2007

4 year old Logic

Tonight the kids and I were in Dani's room doing a little pre-gym diaper change. The windows in her room were open and Chris had his face pressed against the screen making fun noise. A car drove by and he stopped. That is when this conversation began:

Mom, the street is dangerous right?
That's right it is.
If you play in the streets the cars will get you right?
Yes they will. (this is where is got good)
The car will run you over and smush you.....then you will be hurt....the ambulance will come to get you. Then mom the ambulance has this thingy that goes up and down that you sit on, it is cool.....'member mom the one they had a pre-school
Yeah I remember.
They put you on that and cover you up and take you to the hospital with the loud sirens. Then, then when you get to hospital they say that you are dead.
But then you go to heaven with Jesus.
I don't like to play in the street 'cause I don't want to get dead

So there you have it. The obvious reasons for not playing in the street. I was quite amused and partially disturbed as this conversation played out. The nice thing though is that he truly never goes out in the street due to his fear of "getting dead." LOVE IT!

1 comment:

TDM Wendy said...

Gotta love those conversations.