Thursday, December 6, 2007

MADD Banquet

This Tuesday I attended the MADD Law Enforcement Recognition Banquet with Bryan in Oakland. Every year MADD recognizes all the officers within Alameda County who have arrested more than 25 people for a DUI that year. This year Bryan had 30 DUI's and joined 15 other deputies from ACSO at the lunch. I was proud to be there as his wife and show my support for all he does everyday when he walks out the door to go to to work.

It really hit me when I was looking at the number of DUI's they had for the year and knowing that it was just for Alameda County. This year they arrested 4600 people for DUI and these are just the ones that got caught. Kind of scary. So this holiday season, please, please please, be careful when you are out there driving. All the deputies with the command staff and Sheriff Ahern (he is the one with a ridiculous amount of stuff on his jacket.)
The guys and the wives that were there.
Cool shot of all the cars parked on the pier.
The plaque....bad shot but cool.

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TDM Wendy said...

That's cool. Drunk Driving is so prevalent and so deadly. Lock 'em up Bryan.

Unknown said...

Pass on my congrats to Bryan...that is a great accomplishment, one of the biggest reasons cops are good!! :-)