Friday, December 7, 2007

Just a little peek into my life.

I have been meaning to post this for a while now. I was reminded tonight when the first one happened to me on the way home. Enjoy!

You know you are married to someone in Law Enforcement when...'re used to a call ended by "oh (censored), gotta go, love you" and then sirens and the line goes dead

..laundry for him consists of 9 million undershirts, 20 million black socks, 10 million pairs of underwear (5 million white/5 million black). are not upset when you call and hear, "Can't talk now. I'll call you right back,"; nor are you upset when it takes him 2 hours before "right back" happens.

...mail 4 him? A few bills, Sports Illustrated and Galls catalogue

... this conversation is considered normal:
"Hi babe, what's up?"
Husband: "Oh... I'm in are the kids?" get asked if there is room in your purse for his gun and you don't even think that is weird.

..the kids learned to read by checking caller ID and not answering the phone if City of **** popped up on dad's day off..... go down stairs to do laundry and find a loaded gun on the ironing board because when he got home 4 hours late he was 1/2 asleep when he got undressed....

..people call your cell phone any time day or night to reach him but don't want to call his phone "in case HE is sleeping".... haven't had a ticket since you started dating.

..your sig. other has a checklist to go through before leaving the house: gun (check), badge (check), cuffs (check), etc. don't find it unusual to say "your gun is showing" church. start to talk *code*

..He can remember the name, address, and date of birth of every person he has arrested, but forgets you have asked 3 times for the trash to be taken out

..your desk at home is cluttered with all types of papers for police reports, and though they are covered in dust, and over 3 years old, you MUST not touch, move, or God-forbid, throw away. don't find it odd or disturbing at all when you're two year old declares rather loudly that "daddy's got a gun!" (she's told her brothers he was going to shoot them too) just shush her and move on to the next aisle. find flexi-cuffs and those orange abandoned vehicle stickers laying around the house can put his bullet proof vest back together after washing quicker then you can folding the towels.

...when you cant sit at a restaurant unless his back to the door never mind have him look at you instead of everyone else in there....

..when he stands leaning on a counter or wall and has his right hand perched on his hip where his gun would be except he isn't wearing his uniform...

..he won't buy a shirt unless it is long enough to cover his off duty weapon

post signature


The (Ryan) Romeril Family said...

SO TRUE, SO TRUE!! Or the fact that anything they "HAVE" to have for the job will no doubt be over a couple hundred dollars! Does your husband also have like (3) pairs of work for range, one to work in and the other I have no idea what for??? (hahaha) Gotta love our guys though & appreciate all they do & have to put up with!!!

. said...

I can't even count the number of work boots....I tried to get rid of a pair one time and almost lost my head. Last I checked he only wore one at a time :)

Melissa W. said...

I enjoyed reading this ;)
melissa from S.C.
Happy Holidays

Chelsey Meek said...

Cute list Al...neat to hear what other's lives are like. I suppose I should write one about teaching. :)