Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Life this week

It has been a very busy few weeks around here, hence the lack of fun posts. My new job at church has been as the project manager for our new campus we were opening. For the past four months I have had the privilege to work on an amazing team of people to help get the campus off the ground. This past weekend after 5 years of praying and lots of hours spent planning and organizing.....we opened the doors of Cornerstone Fellowship Brentwood Campus. For the next three years we will be meeting at Freedom High school while we continue to through the land purchase process and building process. It was such an amazing feeling see the work of so many people come to life when the band started playing the first worship song at our Brentwood Campus. This was a sweet moment for so many....I can not even describe how it felt. God is good.

With this said Sunday I crashed, I was beat that night. I tallied up how much coffee I had consumed in the past three days (crunch time as I called it) and it was at an all time high. I was excited that Monday was a holiday and that I had vowed not to work on Brentwood that day. Well I tried at least, I did have to jot down the occasional thought in my notebook of things that needed to be fixed or tweaked a little for the next weekend. But then I remembered that Chris had the day off from school and Bryan was working.....so much for my day off. So I began to drink more coffee, it was all I could do to get me through the day. Let's just say by the time I woke up this morning I was spent. Off to work I went with more coffee in hand. About an hour into work I realized coffee was just not working anymore. I think my body had adapted to the caffeine level that I had kept myself at through the weekend and decided that it would no longer effect me. My dear friend coffee had failed me. I was crushed, coffee had always been there for me. Bummer.

Then I had the comment from a few people that just stings......"Wow you look really tired!" Seriously people I know I am spent, I know I have not slept much. I know it probably shows, but do you really need to tell me. Please do me a favor if you ever see me and I look tired, don't tell me. LIE and tell me I look great and then go get me a coffee.

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TDM Wendy said...

Looks like you and coffee need to see other people.

Jenn said...

Oh dear friend I have sooooo been there! Try switching to Red Bull for a while for a jolt to your system...it is like a reboot. :)

The (Ryan) Romeril Family said...

I totally agree...(it's kinda like when people tell you "Wow, you look so big" when you pregnant)...although I don't think I've ever seen you look less than all put together on any given day!!