With this said Sunday I crashed, I was beat that night. I tallied up how much coffee I had consumed in the past three days (crunch time as I called it) and it was at an all time high. I was excited that Monday was a holiday and that I had vowed not to work on Brentwood that day. Well I tried at least, I did have to jot down the occasional thought in my notebook of things that needed to be fixed or tweaked a little for the next weekend. But then I remembered that Chris had the day off from school and Bryan was working.....so much for my day off. So I began to drink more coffee, it was all I could do to get me through the day. Let's just say by the time I woke up this morning I was spent. Off to work I went with more coffee in hand. About an hour into work I realized coffee was just not working anymore. I think my body had adapted to the caffeine level that I had kept myself at through the weekend and decided that it would no longer effect me. My dear friend coffee had failed me. I was crushed, coffee had always been there for me. Bummer.
Then I had the comment from a few people that just stings......"Wow you look really tired!" Seriously people I know I am spent, I know I have not slept much. I know it probably shows, but do you really need to tell me. Please do me a favor if you ever see me and I look tired, don't tell me. LIE and tell me I look great and then go get me a coffee.
Looks like you and coffee need to see other people.
Oh dear friend I have sooooo been there! Try switching to Red Bull for a while for a jolt to your system...it is like a reboot. :)
I totally agree...(it's kinda like when people tell you "Wow, you look so big" when you pregnant)...although I don't think I've ever seen you look less than all put together on any given day!!
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