Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Fun with Forts in the Snow

The weather could not have been better in Tahoe this week. It was perfect for getting the kids out in the snow for some playing. Chris and Bryan spent about 2 hours one day building forts and digging tunnels in the 6 foot snow banks around the house. The next day Dani and I joined them out there for a little fun. Dani loves the snow and thought sledding on her bottom was the best thing.
Dani and I hiding out in one of the forts while the boys were throwing snowballs at us.
I think Chris would live out in the snow if we let him.

Chris and Daddy built quite the snowman on Monday.
We actually were able to get a family shot!

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Danaly said...

I love your new pictures of the kids in the snow!! Where do you guys stay when you there? Does your family have a house there. Looks like you had a great time!!

The (Ryan) Romeril Family said...

You guys look like you had sooooo much fun in the snow!! What a cute family pic too!!!!