Thursday, March 27, 2008

Build a Bear wtih Friends

At the beginning of March Chris was able to go to Build A Bear with two of his closest friends Aidan and Kayla for Miss Kayla's 4th birthday. Kristina let the kids all pick out their own bears, fill them, clean them and then pick their outfits for them. I think we all could have predicted what the outcome would have been for these bears. In the end there were two police bears......SHOCKER, and and Ariel bear.

It is crazy to think that these three are already 4 and almost 5. Especially since when we all met years ago when our husbands were playing on the Sheriff's department softball team in Tracy I was just pregnant with Chris! Man he is getting old. I don't know if I am ready for this yet.

Thank you Kristina for a great day with the kids, a fun lunch at Chili's and the memories made.

Ariel and the two police bears

The kids and their bearsThe birthday girl Kayla, Aidan and Chris. Don't get me wrong I have always known that is Chris is tall for his age but this picture makes him look like a giant. I think he may pass his daddy up soon.

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Danaly said...

OMGoodness! I am laughing so hard! I didn't know they could get dress those bears up as police men. So cute! Chris IS tall, wow!

Unknown said...

Those stinking bears are NOT cheap!! What nice parents you are. I could have called the police one for problem...just make sure he doesn't follow in his daddy's footsteps I hear thats hard on a mom!