Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Super Dad

Bryan gets the SUPER DAD award for this week. For my birthday his parents got me a ticket to go visit my good friend Heather in Connecticut. So that leaves Bryan at home with the kids for the week. The nice thing about technology is that he can keep me up to date on how the kids are doing through pictures. Bryan is great about sending me pictures throughout the day (courtesy of the trusty iPhone).

These first pictures were to replace my lack of being there to check on them at night before bedtime. He snapped a few pictures of the kids in their beds so I could say good night to them.

This next one was of Dani after a nap trying to get "beeper" to wake up. The funny thing is that when she does this and bounces on his head he stays asleep. One of these days he is going to realize how much bigger he is then her and and send her flying.

The next day was not a happy night for Dani. Bryan gets extra points for having a LONG night with Dani on Monday. Dani spent most the night puking in her room, on her bed, on the carpet and my favorite on Bryan (I think there is part of me that was glad he got to see what this was like). I was very impressed with how he handled. Dani got a shower at 11 o'clock at night, new jammies, her hair brushed, carpets cleaned and new bedding. Poor thing did not have a good night but Bryan was great and stayed up with her until she fell asleep. These are the pictures that I got in the morning of my sick little baby. It was a very mellow day on the couch watching movies and napping. Bryan even missed a court date to stay with her.....I am sure he made some guy really happy that the cop was a no show.

Chris got a nice snack of some Jello that I guess he saw fit to eat on the coffee table with his backpack on. What can I say it was a nice little treat for him and a cute picture.

Today while Chris was at school Bryan took little Dani to Starbuck's to have a coffee and vanilla milk. She looks like such a big girl here. I am sure she had a blast since she loves her daddy and any one on one time that she gets with him.

I miss my babies and Bryan, but it is so good to know that they truly love the time that they get with their dad. He does such a good job caring for them and I never have to worry......I don't even have to write anything out for him, he has this down pat. Thanks babe for giving me a few days off to just be me.....I love you guys and miss you.

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Danaly said...

I'm impressed! Good job Bryan!
Enjoy your time in the East Coast Alison!

Chelsey Meek said...

what a week (off)!

Bob said...

Laughed out loud, great update. As it turns out, Bryan actually does have hair! See you soon.