Thursday, June 19, 2008

All grown up

As I sit here catching up on email, it hit me that tomorrow is a big day for the Francis family.

Chris is graduation from pre-school. What, how did that happen? We have had such a great time the past two years at Little Learners and I know we will be sad to leave. I am still trying to figure how the heck I am going to get Chris to school at 8:00 without the luxury of being able to just open the door when school starts and have him walk across the street. Now I will actually need to be ready by 7:40, get the kids in the car and rive the mile to school. This will be rough.

Tomorrow will be a great day. I will try and take lots of pictures, Dani will be at a friends so it will be a little easier to actually take the pictures. Unfortunately Bryan will not be able to make it tomorrow since he will be taking Fasco back down to Riverside and getting his new dog.

See I told you tomorrow was a big day!

1 comment:

Danaly said...

Love the new design!! And FREE!! It doesn't get any better than that! I'm going to have to check it out when I have time.