Thursday, July 3, 2008

Vacation in Tahoe (part 1)

Sorry to disappoint but there are no pictures for this one. Just a little preview of whats to come from our 4th of July "vacation". My mom was nice enough to rent a great place in Truckee for us to spend the 4th at so we could relive all the great traditions of our youth being here in Truckee ALL the time. Bryan has to work all week with the holiday, shocker, I it is me and the kids. I think the craziness started Wednesday when I was trying to get out the door to drop the kids off and get to work. I could not drop Dani off because they thought she had pink eye, wonderful. So I have my companion for the day now trying to get things done and get her in to see the doctor. By the time 3pm rolled around and my mom showed up to get me and the kids ,I was already beat and Dani had yet to nap. We get Chris, go by Safeway to get all Dani's prescriptions and headed to Tahoe.

I got nothing done that day that I needed to and I was determined to get something I wanted accomplished done. So we made a slight detour through Walnut Creek so I could see my good friend Kristina and her little baby Caden that she had had that afternoon in the middle of all the craziness. I am still very glad I did that so I at least started the trip on a better note.

Traffic was not too bad and we were sailing along, but the kids were a wreck. Dani still had not fallen asleep and Chris was attempting to watch movies on my moms laptop. Not sure how I made it through the drive.....did I mention that Dani finally did fall asleep, ten minutes before we got there. Nice!

I decided this morning would start a new fresh day. Unfortunately Chris was in my bed at 6am ready to go. We had coffee breakfast and showered for the day. My mistake was taking Dani in the shower with me......she pooped in the shower. I will spare you the details. I was pissed. We packed up the rowdy and slightly disobedient children to go get groceries. If any of you have ever been to Truckee you know that the Safeway here is not super big. Let's just say don't go there right before a major holiday, especially with the previously described kids. Dani was at her melting point by check out time so I walked around with her outside to spare the 5000 shoppers in a 1/2 sized Safeway from my screaming child. We headed back in for purely selfish reason, I need a Venti Double Shot on Ice. While waiting there for the drink my monkey ( aka Dani) decided to try and climb the counter and in the process got a bloody lip. It was not even 11am yet people.

Fast forward a few hours......I got the kids fed lunch and Dani down for a nap. I figured I take Chris to the pool to let out some energy and also give my mom some peace and quiet. My sister was almost here, so I had her meet me there.. Chris and Amy played in the pool while I got a moment of rest. Soon after we return my still rowdy and even more disobedient children were still running around the house. Dani was heading downstairs so we could play outside. Well around three steps from the bottom she took a header and went head first with no bracing onto the slate floor. Instantly she had a purple golf ball sticking out of her forehead. The poor thing was so upset but the ice seemed to help. Not really knowing what to do I figured I would take them to the park. Chris wanted to play Rally Ball and the driveway was really not the place since he was almost hit by a car, I didn't need that. At the park I noticed that Dani's walking and movements were more of an old drunk guys. A little concerned I called the doctor to just check and see at what point do I take her in to be seen, especially since I was getting the evil eye from every parent at the park. She called me back and talked me through a few tings and decided it was really up to me as to whether or not I should take her to the ER. But mainly just watch her to make sure it did not get worse. Seriously this trip does not need a trip to the ER. Although Tahoe Forrest hospital is quite nice, I have been there a few times myself.

So far Dani is still good, bruised but good. I have been checking on her every few hours, hence the late post. I am really hoping that there will be some miracle that will happen in my kids tonight. You know the one where they are able to process the words thee hear me speak to them and actually do what i am saying. Again this would be a miracle, so my hopes are not high. If not I will just hope that between the good old fashion Truckee 4th of July parade and fireworks on the lake with the Benson's will still allow for a good day. We can dream right!!!

Oh did I mention that my camera ran out of battery and I forgot the charger. Nice.


Chelsey Meek said...

Wouldn't be a Francis holiday without a bump or two! Hang in there Mom!

TDM Wendy said...

Oh my. Sounds fabulous. You gotta get a disposable camera though because I want to see the bump and the bloody lip and such. And a photo in the ER... if you end up there which I hope you don't.

Anonymous said...

holy moly. that sounds like a ROUGH day. super mom!!!!

Anonymous said...

OMG - seriously that is like death by children. You are one tough Mama!