Thursday, April 9, 2009

Another year.....

Yesterday marked year number 32 for me.......or older if you lose track! (mom)

No big hoopla, just a nice day all around with family and friends. I wanted to start the day right. I got up a little early and beat the rain with a morning run, 3.2 miles in honor of my 32nd year. Then all the daily activities of a mom continued: showers, breakfast, dressing the kids, packing snacks and off to school and daycare and onto work.

This was the first year the kids are truly understanding birthdays. Chris was so excited to wake up and tell me Happy Birthday, it made my day. Then there is Dani girl who insisted to all the ladies at the gym the night before that" Mommy turning 4 1/2 tomorrow" LOVE HER! When I got to work there was a note on my laptop from Bryan that said "open me". Inside was the cutest little handmade card from Chris and a card from Bryan.

The day continued on with Bryan scoring more points for sending flowers to work and getting some nice treats from my friends at work. In typical fashion of being married to a police officer I got a call around lunch time saying plans were changing. Bryan got called into work because they needed a dog for a search warrant that the SRU team was serving on a meth lab. Of course why won't they, it was my birthday. No biggie though because I was just planning on heading home after work and hanging with the family. Little did I know Bryan had made plans for the night.

A few hours later Bryan called to let me know it was going to take a little longer but I needed to be home by 5. He had arranged for a sitter to come and watch the kids so we could go out that night, shop for my present and then get dinner. I told him I would still have the sitter come and just pray that they got done sooner then later and we could still get a late dinner. Thankfully by the time I got home and got the kids settled with the sitter Bryan was finishing up. We met up at the jail (how romantic, right?) and were able to still enjoy a nice night out.

So like I said, no big hoopla, just a nice day. But still birthday 32 left me feeling loved by my family & friends and ready for a great year ahead.

1 comment:

Jenn said...

so sorry i missed the day my love, nothing like self-absorption to ruin friendships! Forgive me? Happy late b-day, 32 is old! :) So is 32.4 (me)lol