Saturday, May 9, 2009

The First Visit from the Tooth Fairy

I knew the day would come but I guess I never expected it. Last Sunday Chris and I were out running errands and all of a sudden Chris exclaims that his tooth is loose, and it was really loose. Instantly I thought, "Crap, I am so not ready for this."

Over the next few days Chris kept wiggling the tooth and checking on it. I was a little worried at his baseball game Tuesday night when it was practically hanging out. Well Wednesday when I picked him up from the after school program he smiled and was without a tooth. He was so excited and I could not have been more happy for him. The only problem was that he did not remember where he lost it or when. His teacher felt really bad and they had looked all over for it with no luck. I told Chris that we would write a note to the Tooth Fairy and make sure she understood.

So before bed that night we wrote a note to the Tooth Fairy and left it under his pillow. he was so excited! In the morning he came in my room and was a little perplexed that his treat was left on the nightstand and not under the pillow. Oops! my bad.


Our happy little toothless wonder!!!


Anonymous said...

OMG, Alison...that is just tooo cute!!! Sorry to hear about the tooth, but how adorable to leave her a lil' note!! Tooo precious!! *Kristina

Unknown said...

IT WASN'T UNDER THE PILLOW!?!?! Was the tooth fairy on vacation leaving tinkerbell to do her job or something?!!?!