Saturday, October 4, 2008

Welcome home mom

Nothing like coming home to a great welcome......

That would have been nice, but no. Now granted my great hubby picked me up at the airport but was a little late. This was because he got a flat pulling out of the driveway. He quickly got in the other car and came to get me. Since he needed to work that night I let him go to bed and said I would deal with the car. Fun for me.

I head down to the tire store to have them replace the tire that had completely blown out. They looked a the other front one and it was worn pretty bad so it needed replacing as well. Fine! Then he got to the back tires, 1 was good and 1 had a giant nail in it in the area that is not fixable. Seriously!!! So $400 later I was waiting to get 3 new tires. Did I mention that the day before Bryan had to replace the car battery for another $100. Wonderful!

So as I waited for my car I figured I would walk to the bank and then get a coffee. After all I think I at least deserved that. Bank was uneventful and I was on my way to get coffee only when I go to pay I realize I did not have my ATM card. Yikes I left it in the ATM. So I ran back over to the bank and thankfully someone had turned it in. But at this point I was bitter and did not want to walk back to get coffee.

Nice day huh....well it continued Friday. After getting home from the gym and having lunch the kids were paying in Chris's room. All of a sudden I hear that cry that you know is not just a whine or "she took my toy" cry. I ran up there to see Chris holding his head bleeding. He had jumped over a chair in his room and hit his head on the window ledge. After going back and forth about what to do with him I called the doctor about an hour later. They had me come in to take a look at it. Mean while he let me put a band aid on it and ice for a little. When we got to the doctor about 2 hours later he said I had two choices as to how I could treat it. Option 1 was to take him to the ER and get stitched up, Option 2 was to clean it really good there and put a bunch of Steri Strips on. I figured for once we would stay out of the ER and go with Steri Strips.

So that was my nice welcome home after a few days in the Carolinas for a conference and visiting a friend. I guess that is why I love my family so much....we always seem to keep each other on our toes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh Alison I have had those days! You are a mighty strong woman! :)