Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Adios 2008

I still have a hard time believing this year is over already.....time flies and the kids keep getting bigger! YIKES! We are looking forward to all that 2009 has in store for us. I am not one for making a ton of resolutions because I have not been the greatest at making it past January in keeping them:) So I have tried to keep it practical and simple this year. I will share my three in hopes that maybe it will keep me accountable a little more in keeping them.

For 2009 I plan to.....

1. Run in one race a month, whether it be a 5K, 10K or half marathon. No more marathons for me, 3 is enough plus I would like my poor feet to survive:)

2. Invest more in the friendships that count rather then the ones that continue to disappoint.

3. Take more little mini adventures with the family. We have done a few of these lately and they always turn out to be so much fun.

With that I hope and pray that you all have a safe and Happy New Years!!!! Bryan just headed out to work and I am getting ready to go to a friends house with the kids. Nothing like getting together with my fellow deputies wives and kids while all our hubbies are at least we have each other, right? So stay safe tonight so they have less to do :)

See you in 2009!

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