Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas in the City

On Saturday we went into San Francisco to my mom's house for Christmas with her, my uncle and my sister. The kids were so excited to go and see everyone. They each packed some of their favorite toys and movies for a day at Mor Mor's.

As expected between my mom and my sister there was quite the little gathering of presents under the tree when we arrived. The kids were besides themselves to get to open ore presents. We unleashed the inner princess in Dani when my mom ave her a trunk filled with various princess dresses and jewelry. It was hilarious to see her try and put everything on while wearing the new snow boots that she got too. Another hit was the new "running shoes" that Amy got her. She would put them on and declare she was going running, do a lap around the house and then come back and adjust her shoes, then this was repeated a dozen times.

The biggies was when Chris got to open his last present from Aunt Mami.....he was beside himself. You will have to look at the pictures to see that. After presents and brunch Bryan, Amy and I headed down to AT&T park to watch the Emerald Bowl (Cal vs. Miami). It was a great game and even better because they pulled out a win. While at the game the kids got to hang with my mom and uncle. I think the hit was Dani walking to pizza in her jammies, running shoes and princess dress. Too bad we didn't get a picture of that one.

My moms cute little tree and all the presents for the kiddos
Patiently waiting to start opening the gifts
Helping Aunt Mami look at the book they made her
Dani trying on one of the new jackets from Aunt MamiThe little princess playing with her new Hannah Montana doll, she was in heaven.

Testing out the snowboots

Opening the big present from Mami
A new skateboard!!!! Now we just need to up our insurance policy!
Bryan and I all bundled up at the Cal game.


Danaly said...

How fun that your Mom lives in the City!!! I love Dani's haircut, she looks adorable. Glad to hear you guys had a great Christmas.

Danaly said...

How fun that your Mom lives in the City!!! I love Dani's haircut, she looks adorable. Glad to hear you guys had a great Christmas.

Chelsey Meek said...

Your mom looks great! Happy New Year to you! :)