Sunday, February 22, 2009

Arenacross with my boys

Last night we took Chris to his dream.....watching Areanacross in Sacramento. Chris has a fascination with dirt bikes and all that goes with them. So we jumped at the chance to take him to see them race live. It ended up being a great night out with friends and all the boys had a blast.

I think the only problem is that now I think we need to start a "Chris wants a dirt bike" fund. He is hooked. I thought he was going to jump out of his seat when the Freestyle team came out and he got to see them doing flips. Another highlight was realizing that they got to high five the rider that won earlier in the night when he was introduce and walked by our seats.

It was a late night but it was so worth it to see the pure excitement and joy in his and his friends faces.
Chris and his buddy Braedon
Me and my boy.....I love the look on his face.
My boys!

1 comment:

TDM Wendy said...

you will need a "chris wants a dirt bike" fund as well as a "Chris wants to win the francis family ER count" fund. Boys. Although I hear cheerleading is pretty dangerous these days.